Counseling can be a vulnerable and private procedure. A great therapy session depends on choosing a trustworthy therapist and feeling at ease when opening up. If you were not pleased with the counselor you were paired with, you may ask for a refund.
At BetterHelp, their mission is to make professional counseling accessible, convenient, and affordable. Taking the first step toward getting mental health support can feel daunting, and these people want to provide you a risk-free way to try online counseling.
Want to know how to get a refund from BetterHelp? At BetterHelp, they understand life is unpredictable and circumstances change. So, if you need to cancel BetterHelp prematurely, you shouldn’t lose hard-earned money.
This detailed manual will walk you through every step of the BetterHelp refund procedure. You’ll learn who qualifies for a better refund policy, how the amount is calculated, and step-by-step instructions for getting your money back smoothly.
Overview of BetterHelp’s Refund Policy
Would you like to know how to cancel better help and get a refund? Don’t worry! BetterHelp understands that finding the right therapist match is critical for a successful counseling experience. That’s why they offer a straightforward refund policy:
- If a user feels like their matched therapist isn’t a good fit after the first counseling session, they will have a chance to receive a BetterHelp cancellation refund and quickly get re-matched with a new therapist, otherwise they can process a full refund. This ensures users find a counselor they are comfortable with.
- Users who need to cancel their subscription early are eligible for a prorated refund on any unused subscription time remaining. This provides flexibility if circumstances change.
- Major life events that make continued counseling difficult may also warrant a partial or full refund on a case-by-case basis.
To get a refund, users must cancel their subscription and fill out a refund request form detailing why they seek the refund. Once approved, refunds are issued within 7-10 business days.
Refund Eligibility: Who Qualifies for a Refund?
At BetterHelp, everyone wants you to feel fully supported by your counselor. That’s why they offer refund eligibility in the following cases:
Unused Subscription Time
If you cancel your subscription before your next billing date, you are eligible for a prorated refund for any unused counseling time remaining in your subscription period.
For example, if you have a monthly subscription and cancel a BetterHelp refund after 2 weeks, you will be refunded 50% of that month’s subscription fees.
Dissatisfaction with Counselor Match
Finding the right counselor can be crucial. After your first counseling session, if you feel like your matched therapist does not fit your needs, be sure to let them know within 48 hours.
Once the personnel at BetterHelp is informed, they will quickly re-match you with a new professional at no charge or process a full refund of any fees paid.
Extenuating Circumstances
BetterHelp understands how unpredictable life can be. For this reason, significant events like losing a job, medical issues, or family emergencies may warrant canceling counseling. In these cases, the BetterHelp personnel will review refund requests on a case-by-case basis to determine if a partial or full refund is appropriate.
What they consider most important is that you are comfortable with your counselor. If, for any reason, you are unsatisfied, they are always here to make it right.
Refund Amounts: If I cancel BetterHelp, do I get a refund?
If eligible, refund amounts are calculated based on unused subscription time after cancellation. Here’s how it works:
Calculation Based on Unused Time
Refunds are prorated based on the unused days left in your current subscription period. For example, if you have 3 weeks left in your monthly subscription, you will be refunded for those 3 weeks.
Differences Across Subscription Plans
- Monthly plans: Receive a prorated refund for any unused days remaining in the current month.
- 3-month plans: Receive a prorated refund for unused months and unused time in the current month.
- 6-month plans: Receive a prorated refund for any unused months.
- 12-month plans: Receive a prorated refund for any unused months.
Partial vs. Full Refunds
You may be eligible for a partial or full refund depending on your circumstances:
- Partial refund: For unused subscription time when canceling a subscription.
- Total refund: If unsatisfied after your first counseling session, you want to cancel.
How to Request Better Help Customer Service Refund
Requesting a better customer service refund is quick and easy through our self-service cancellation and refund process:
Cancellation Process
Log into your account and click “Cancel Plan” to cancel your subscription. You will immediately stop accruing any additional charges. Make sure to cancel at least 24 hours before your next billing date.
Submitting Refund Request
After canceling, you will receive a short refund BetterHelp request form. Provide details on why you are requesting a refund BetterHelp and submit.
Refund Processing Timeline
Once approved, refunds are processed back to your original payment method within 7-10 business days. It can take 1-2 billing cycles for any refunds to return to a debit or credit card to show up on your statement.
Receiving Refund Payment
Your refund will be issued via:
- Direct deposit back into your bank account for any bank/ACH payments.
- For any card payments, go back to the original credit/debit card.
- Original payment method for any PayPal payments.
What Users Should Know About BetterHelp Refunds
To set clear expectations, here are some key points about refund policy:
Non-Refundable Subscription Fees
Any sign-up, administration, or activation fees charged when starting your subscription are non-refundable. Only unused counseling time is eligible for a prorated refund.
Account Closure After Refund
Issuing a refund will automatically close your BetterHelp account. To resume counseling later, you need to open a new account.
This gives you a comprehensive overview of how the BetterHelp refund Reddit works. Their goal is to make it easy and worry-free for you to try online counseling risk-free.
Your satisfaction is the top concern. If, for any reason, you are unhappy with the service, the officials at BetterHelp are here to help make it right.
If you would like to get started with BetterHelp today, you may visit their website at There you can learn more about their counselors and how to approach online therapy, especially if it’s your first time. Their team of professionals are committed to helping you achieve your mental health goals so you can live your best life.
What is BetterHelp’s refund policy if I cancel my subscription?
If you decide to cancel your subscription before it ends, BetterHelp offers prorated refunds for any unused counseling time remaining. After you cancel your plan, fill out a refund request form and their personnel will review it.
If I cancel BetterHelp, do I get a refund?
If you cancel your BetterHelp subscription before it ends, you are eligible for a prorated refund for any counseling time you did not use. The refund will be based on the unused days remaining in your subscription period.
How can I get a refund from BetterHelp if I want to cancel my account?
If you want a refund from BetterHelp after canceling, log into your account, click “Cancel Plan” at least 24 hours before your next billing date, and then fill out the refund request form. They will process and apply the refund to your original payment within a ten day period.
How do I cancel BetterHelp and get a refund?
To cancel your BetterHelp subscription and receive a refund, log into your account and select “Cancel Plan.” Then, fill out the refund request form explaining why you are requesting for a refund. Once approved, your refund will be issued based on any unused subscription time.
Can I get a refund from BetterHelp if I’m unhappy with the service?
Yes, you may. If you were not satisfied with your first counseling session with your matched counselor, BetterHelp can offer you a refund. Simply inform them within 48 hours to let them know that your assigned therapist was not a good fit. You will be given the option to be re-matched with a new counselor or receive a full refund.